Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Quote #4

[Pi:] "Tears flowing down my cheeks, I egged myself on until I heard a cracking sound and I no longer felt any life fighting in my hands. I pulled back the folds of the blanket. The flying fish was dead. It was split open and bloody on one side of its head, at the level of the gills.

I wept heartily over this poor little deceased soul. It was the first sentient being I had ever killed. I was now a killer. I was now as guilty as Cain. I was sixteen years old, a harmless boy, bookish and religious, and now I had blood on my hands. Its a terrible burden to carry. All sentient life is sacred. I never forget to include this fish in my prayers. "(Ch 61)

Why does Pi have such a struggle with killing the flying fish? How is Pi changing?


  1. Because He is a vegitarion and it goes against everything he is for. Its anthor lifeform and he doesnet like that he had to take its life.

    He is becoming a man he has learned how to fish and has finally tame richard parker. He is now a killer(To fish)and is learning more and more about him self.

    1. I think that not ony because he is vegitarion, but because he has never killed a thing in his life. If it was only because of the vegitarion part about him, he would have problems eating it NOT killing it. I think this is because..

      "The vegitarion part of him would have to just grin and bear it."

    2. Wait a second, I wrote that!

  2. Because he is a "weak vegitarian life form". I think that scince he has never killed any thing,much less a fish, he has a problems with scarring his conscience for life. Pi supports me because of the quote...

    A life of peaceful vegitarianism stood between me and the willfull beheading of a fish.

    He also has trouble with even killing the fish by breaking it's neak under a towel. I think that Pi has grown alot because of the fact that he has killed many more fish by now. No more of that wishy washy fish towel anymore he says. He has also grown in his biological sense. He now knows alot more about how to kill a fish what tricks would pe healpful for that task. He says..

    The survival maniul says that pressing the fishes eyes will parilize them. I am sure that he put that fact into good use. A few weeks from then fish will meet a starving castaway willing to do anything to have a meal. I also think that he is very lucky that he was in a flying fish frenzy, or else they would have died from starvation. He is very lucky, very lucky indead. Another quote from the book is...

    A dorando is a magnificant looking fish, large, fleashy and sleek, with a buldging forheadthat speaks of a forceful personality, a very long dorsal fin as proud as a cock's comb, and a coat of scales that is smooth and bright. I felt that I was dealing fate a serious blow by engaging such a handsome adversary. With this fish I was retaliating against the sea, against the wind, against the sinking of ships, against all circumstances that were working against me. "Thankyou Lord Vishnu, thankyou!" I shouted. "Once you saved the world by taking on the form of a fish. Now you have saved ME by taking the form of a fish. Thankyou, thankyou!"

    I like this quote because it describes how he triumphed over his difficulties. However I think that he feels very guilty for he cries that he is as guilty as cain who is said to have killed his brother because he couldn't give god a good enough offering and because of jealousy.

    1. Continued.....

      I also want to add that a dorando dieing is really very interesting. I saw it myself. It would be

      "like beating a rainbow to death"

  3. In Hinduism your supposed to love life. He has been raised to love life and respect life because everything has an Atman in it. Pi is changing because now it is about surviving not about religion. He has been a vegetarian his whole life and now that he is eating meat tells me that he is surviving. Pi has learned that surviving is more important than religion even if that means not following the religion. Pi has never killed anything in his life so he could have bad memories about it. I think he is really lucky that he is catching so many fish so h isn't hungry. He is surviving

  4. I think Pi had trouble killing the fish because hes Hindu. In Hinduism you must love everything and live in peace with everything which also pretty much is saying you cant kill anything because there is and Atman in everything and when Pi killed that fish he was also getting karma. Pi is changing inside and what I mean by that is that Pi use to be this loving Christian, Hindu, Islamic boy that wouldn't harm a thing, but now he's a vicious killer who was able to train a tiger to be cool with him/ tame him. Hes a little boy who's survived 127 days on a life boat.

  5. Its struggling to him because first of all he is a vegetarian second of all he is just around the point of starvation and lastly he doesn't want to kill it.

    He is changing because I think he is learning to adapt to his surroundings and he has to kill the fish so he can survive.

  6. Pi has such a struggle with killing the flying fish because he is a Hindu and Hindus have a respect for all life. Pi Has a problem with that because he feels like its a crime to kill an animal. Pi is also a vegetarian so eating an animal is like a nightmare to him. In the situation pi is in he needs to kill animals in order to survive. Killing the fish was necessarily.

  7. Pi struggled with killing the flying fish because it went against the religion he was born to. You see Pi was born into Hinduism and in that religion you are supposed to respect all life. That means no killing animals or eating them. Pi did both of those things. I think he thinks that because he did that he has abandoned his religion. Personally I think that in the situation Pi is in, I would do anything to keep myself alive and if that means killing fish and eating them... then I would have to suck it up and get used to the taste of raw fish. Ewww

  8. Pi has so much trouble killing the flying fish because he grew up at a zoo where he believed animals where all friendly and he thought of most animals as his good friend.Pi is also a vegetarian so that couldn't have made it any easier on him. Hindus have a respect for all life witch tops it off. all in all it wasn't easy for him.

  9. Because for his whole life he has been taught that all life is sacred and just killing that fish and feeling it struggle to save it's life and knowing it's death was inevitable and since he believes all life is sacred he feels like an evil selfish hypocritical monster.

  10. Since he is Hindu he is raised to respect all life even plants. He has never killed anything before in his life.
    "A life of peaceful vegetarianism stood between me and the willful beheading of a fish."
    he says he is a killer because he killed something innocent, but it was necessity because he was starving and so was Richard Parker, but what he doesn't know is that fish can dull their nerves so that they feel almost no pain at all.

  11. Pi struggled to kill the fish because of his Hindu background. In Hinduism you have to respect animals, and cherish their lives. You are not allowed to hurt them. He is suppose to find peace with a living, and love each other. He is basically going against his religion, which is really hard for him. But he is only doing what he needs to to survive. Pi feels guilt for killing such a small innocent creature.

    "A lifetime of peaceful vegetarianism stood between me and the willful beheading of a fish."

    Pi is also not use to eating any meat since he is a vegetarian. That is also a personal growth he shows. It is very depressing for him, and a BIG change. It's against his religion.

  12. I think the reason Pi is so upset is because he is going against the Hindu religion. In Hinduism you respect all life, which basically means that you are a vegetarian. Pi has never killed an animal, nor ate one, and I think he is having trouble contemplating what he just did. Pi really does not like the thought of killing this fish but he did it because he had to survive. "Yet I knew it had to be done, and the longer I waited, the longer the fish's suffering would go on."

  13. I think the reason Pi feels so upset is becuase he is going against the Hinduism religion. Pi is usually the one who follows everything he has to in order to prove he believes in religions. I think that the fact of him being a Hindu really is starting to take a hard time on him. He is a vegetarian. He is now going to eat an animal, which Hindu's do not do. I think he is not doing the wrong thing in a way. I mean yes, it is wrong to go against a religion. He is stuck in a life or death situation. He cant just go fishing for vegetables or fruits. He has to eat something in order to survive. Pi is now stuck in a lifeboat, there are gong to be times way more difficult for him. Its a very sad thing to think about for him. He feels guilty. He knows its wrong.

  14. Pi is struggling with killing the fish because he has always had a deep respect for all living things which is apparent because he is a vegetarian. He is changing by beginning to do all that is necessary to survive. And he is learning what that truly means.

  15. Pi doesn't want to kill the fish in the first place because he admirers nature. He changes it by changing as a person physically and emotively by "manning up" and doing what he has to do to stay alive.

  16. Pi struggles with killing this fish because, him being a Hindu, he's a vegetarian. In life, people would say that's a good thing catch and eat fish because he's doing it to survive. But to him it's like destroying everything he has learned about being a
    Hindu. He is also struggling because he is caring for the life of the fish more than he his of his own. He is saying 'this fish has to die just so I can live' he probably things that's selfish of him. What he doesn't understand is that there are millions of fish, but there is only one of him.

    He is changing because originally he was living life now he is trying to survive for a life. This is a big dramatic change. just imagine living life to the fullest not have a care in world, now imagine being stranded on a boat with nature, sharks, a tiger, and hundreds of thousands of yards/miles filled with water out in every direction. You see the change?

  17. I think Pi had a hard time trying to kill the flying fish because he is Hinduism. He was taught in the Hinduism religion to love life and care for things, but because he killed the fish he feels like he disrespected the fish by killing it. Being Hindu is technically being a vegetarian. I think he feels like he's not following the order of his religion/beliefs now. Pi is in a life or death situation and he's got no food with him, he just lost his mom, dad and brother and is really hungry and the only way to save him from living is to eat something from the sea. Even though it goes completely against his religion, he needs to do what he has to do in order for him to stay alive. At least Pi knows that it wrong to kill an animal.

  18. Pi is struggling to kill the fish because he is Hindu and in the Hindu religion you are supposed to respect all life. So he really doesn't want to take this life away from this fish because he knows he is going agents his religion. He also lived in a zoo so he really liked animals so It was just very hard for him to kill the fish.

  19. Pi is having a hard time killing the fish because he is a Hindu and ever since he was little he was taught to NEVER kill anything, not even an ant. So this is his first time killing something on purpose. He probably has killed an ant or a bug on accident, but this was on purpose.

    It was also very hard for him because he was so close to animals. He grew up in a zoo and he loved animals so much he couldn't possible think of killing one.

    Pi was taught in Hinduism to love life and care for things, it is a very nonviolent religion. So for Pi to go and kill a fish was very very hard because he feels like he wasn't loving life and caring for the life of the fish.

    Pi is changing because he was living life on land where he could walk and do anything he wanted to. He didn't really have to worry about where his next meal was coming from and he was never alone and he was never in any danger. Now, Pi is on a boat in the middle of the pacific ocean, with a tiger and has no clue where his next meal is coming from all he has is hope. Pi is learning how to survive on his own without help from other people.

  20. Pi is changing because of what he has experienced tying to survive on the life boat and raft. Also, in his religious practices and seeing the zoo so much, he has learned to preserve and cherish life, not to destroy it. This causes him to feel guilty and despaired and therefor, have trouble killing the flying fish.

  21. Pi has such a struggle killing the flying fish because he is/was an innocent Hindu boy that has never killed anything and has always thought that all living things are important and equal. He respects all life and he is a vegetarian and the fact that he is going to have to eat another living soul is taking a big toll on him. :( "Yet I knew it had to be done, and the longer I waited, the longer the fish's suffering would go on."
    Pi has changed by 1. Killing 2. He's learning to evolve to his surroundings 3. and He's learning to survive/make decisions on his own.

  22. Pi is struggling so much because hes a vegetarian.
    "Even the sound of opening a banana scared me cause it sounded like an animals neck being cracked.
    Pi was always brought up to never eat meat or kill a living animal because its the way his religion and family brought him up.

    Pi has changed because hes so much more risk taking now. He would have never eaten meat or killed an animal. Also he would have never dared to stand up to a tiger. Hes more risk taking and confident in himself and his knowledge.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Pi is having a hard time because, he finds that ALL life is important. That is why his religion doesn't usually eat meat. So under these terrible circumstances he has had to decide that his life was more important than this innocent fish. Pi is changing tons. He has to strengthen everything about himself in order to survive, his mind, his responsibilty, his care, his will, his physical body, and most definatley his faith. He has become very "street" smart. His belief once was not to kill animals, and he's found himself as carnivourous as Richard Parker. These changes were drastic, but very nessescary.

  25. He is having trouble killing the fish because, he grew up being kind to animals, loving them and treating them as if they were family. I mean he grew up in a zoo didn't he? When he finally does the killing he will feel regret he will realize that he just took another living creatures life. He is changing because he is doing lots of stuff that he would have never done if he was back home at the zoo, he does this stuff in order to stay alive, it is his "Will to survive."

  26. Pi is a kind loving teenager. The Hinduism in him reminds him that all life is important. He has changed because he is now a man, he thinks of himself as a killer but he is not, Richard Parker was just hungry.I think he thinks of himself as a killer because many times Lord Vinshu has taken the form of a fish. For all Pi knows he just killed Lord Vinshu

  27. I think it is hard for Pi to kill the fish because he has been around animals all his life and they mean a lot to him. I also think that because Pi is upset with everything else going on in his life that something small like having to kill a fish could have pushed him over the edge to where he would cry and have a hard time killing it even though he needs the food.

    I think the only reason it seems like Pi is changing is because he is becoming more desperate and worried about whether he is going to make it to safety or not. Also he is most likely very cold, hungry, bored, and having a hard time staying positive.

  28. Pi was having struggle with killing the flying fish because he feels as if every life is sacred.Also he never wants to take the life of another living creature but he had to do it for him to survive.

    "I wept heartily over this poor little deceased soul. It was the first sentient being I had ever killed. I was now a killer. I was now as guilty as Cain. I was sixteen years old, a harmless boy, bookish and religious, and now I had blood on my hands. Its a terrible burden to carry. All sentient life is sacred. I never forget to include this fish in my prayers. "

    Pi is changing as a person and his outcome in life because he is now alone and is learning things about life on his own. Also he is more stronger but worrisome because he is out alone and he is scared if he is going to make it out alive. But he is having faith that he will.

  29. I am simply not a killer, even for a desperate boy in the middle of the pacific ocean, I have never let my hands get blood smothered on any soul, and I there fore I wouldn't know the deed to kill. Yet even in my current state, every life is as sacred as the soul living upon it,so I have never killed anything.

    I believe this because every life on this earth should not be destroyed by another unless it is the law that nature lays in its path; and I have done just that and beyond. You could say that I obeyed the laws of nature: doing what must be done to survive. But I also had disrupted the laws of nature, I had killed for another soul, who was not actually supposed to be alive as long as he did.

    I regret killing even today, I can't even remember when I used to be a vegetarian, but like the first fish I killed, it is behind me now.


  30. I think Pi had trouble because of his Hinduism past and he knows that he had just ended a life just to save himself. He also knows that he had just broken his vegetarian vow. I think Pi had changed because he killed a living creature and ate it and had he never had been in that situation than he would had never eaten meat.

  31. Pi is having a hard time killing a flying fish because in the Hinduism religion you don't eat any animal meat including fish. They don't eat meat because they believe all life should be respected equally, and should not be killed over your own life. Also, he's not only killing it but he is also eating it! That's against his religion, the religion he was born into.

  32. I think pi had some trouble because he felt like he was going against his religion (Hinduism)because there a kind loving, caring, religion. And he felt bad because he killed a fish but he had to endless he would die.

  33. Pi is really changing a lot. He is learning how to be more independent, as anyone would when your out in the ocean alone. Also he is not so much on the topic of religion, when his life is at steak when at any moment he could be in danger. So pi has changed
